Productive Rage

Dan's techie ramblings

Writing F# to implement 'The Single Layer Perceptron'


This picks up from my last post Learning F# via some Machine Learning: The Single Layer Perceptron where I described a simple neural network ("The Single Layer Perceptron") and took a C# implementation (from an article on the site Robosoup) and rewrote it into a style of "functional C#" with the intention of then translating it into F#. Trying to do that all in one post would have made for a very very long read and so part two, here, picks things up from that point.

I'm still an F# beginner and so I'm hoping that having the pain so fresh in my mind of trying to pick it up as a new language will make it easier for me to help others get started. I'm going to assume zero knowledge from the reader.

(I'm also going to try to dive straight right into things, rather than covering loads of theory first - I think that there are a lot of good resources out there that introduce you to F# and functional concepts at a more abstract level but I'm going to take the approach that we want to tackle something specific and we'll discuss new F# concepts only when we encounter them while trying to get this work done!)

Translating the code into F#

Visual Studio 2017 includes support for F# without having to install anything extra. To get started, create a new project of type Visual F# / Console Application. This will generate a Program.fs file that will let you build and run (it won't be anything very interesting if you run it but that doesn't matter because we're going rewrite the file from scratch!).

In the C# code from last time, the core logic was contained within a static method called "Go" within a static class. To set up the scaffolding for something similar in F# we'll use the following code:

open System;

let private Go (r: Random) =
    "TODO: Implement this"

let private Main _ =
    Go (new Random(0)) |> ignore

In F#, functions are declared by the keyword "let" optionally followed by an accessibility modifier (eg. "private") followed by their name followed by their arguments followed by "=" followed by the function body.

The last line of the function body will be a value that is returned by the function (unlike C#, there is no need for an explicit "return" keyword).

Above, there is a function "Go" that takes a Random argument named "r" and that returns a string. The return type is not explicitly declared anywhere but F# relies upon type inference a lot of the time to make reduce the "syntactic noise" around declaring types where the compiler can work them out on its own. If you wanted reassurance that the type inference has worked as you expect then you can hover over the word "Go" and you'll see the following signature for the function -

val private Go : r:Random -> string

This confirms that the function "Go" takes an argument named "r" of type random and that it returns a string.

If we changed the "Go" function to this:

let private Go r =
    "TODO: Implement this"

.. and then hovered over the word "Go" then we'd see the following signature:

val private Go : r:'a -> string

This essentially means that the type "r" is not fixed and that it may be any type because there is no way for the compiler to apply any restrictions to it based upon the code that it has access to. When comparing to C#, you might imagine that this would be equivalent to this:

private string Go(object r)

.. but it would actually be more accurate to think about it like a generic method - eg.

private string Go<T>(T r)

The difference isn't important right now it's worth bearing in mind.

There's also a function "Main" that takes a single string argument argument named "_" and that returns an int. Just looking at this code, you may imagine that "_" would also be of an unknown / generic type but if you hover to the word "Main" then you'll see this signature:

val private main : string [] -> int

F# has applied some extra logic here, based upon the fact that the function has been annotated with [<EntryPoint>] - this requires that the function matches the particular signature of string-array-to-string and you will get a compile error if you try to declare a function signature that differs from this.

The string array is a list of arguments passed to the compiled executable if called from the command line. This will never be of use in this program and so I've named that argument "_" to tell F# that I will never want to access it. I do this because F# will warn you if you have any unused arguments because it suggests that you have forgotten something (why specify an argument if you don't need it??). If you really don't care about one, though (as is the case here), if you give it an underscore prefix (or call it simply "_") then the compiler won't warn you about it.

In a similar vein, F# will warn you if you call a function and ignore its return value. If the idea is that all functions be pure (and so have no side effects) then a function is useless if you ignore its return value. In the scaffolding above, though, we just want to call "Go" (which will do some calculations and write a summary to the console) - we don't really care about its return value. To tell the compiler this, we use a special function called "ignore" that we pass the return value of the "Go" function to. The C# way to do this might look something like this:

ignore(Go(new Random(0)))

This is valid F# but it's criticised as having to be read "inside out". It's more common in F# to see it like this:

Go (new Random(0)) |> ignore

The "pipe forward" operator (|>) effectively means take the value on the left and use it as the last argument in the function on the right. Since "ignore" only takes one argument, the two versions above are equivalent.

If a function has more than one argument then the pipe operator only provides the last one. To illustrate this, consider the method "" that takes two arguments; a "mapping" delegate and a list of items. It's very similar to LINQ's "Select" method. You could call it like this:

let numbers = [1;2;3]
let squares = (fun x -> x * x) numbers

I'll breeze through some of the syntax above in a moment but the important point here is that there is a method that takes two arguments where the second is a list.

It could be argued that this syntax is back-to-front because you may describe this in English as:

given a list of values, perform an operation on each item (and return a new list containing the transformed - or "mapped" - values)

.. but the code puts things in the opposite order ("list of values" is mentioned last instead of first).

However, the pipe operator changes that -

let numbers = [1;2;3]
let squares = numbers |> (fun x -> x * x)

The code now is able to say "here is the list, perform this operation on each value to provide me with a new list".

Because the pipe operator passes the value on the left as the last argument to the function on the right, F# often has list-based functions where the list is the last argument. This is often the opposite order to C# functions, where the "subject" of the operation is the commonly first argument.

Now, as promised, a quick rundown of F# syntax introduced above. The "let" keyword is very similar to C#'s "var" in that it use type inference to determine what type the specific reference should be. Unlike "var", though, you can't change the reference later on - eg.

let numbers = [1;2;3]

// Invalid! This "=" operator is treated as a comparison whose return value is ignored
// rather than this statement being a reassignment - the "numbers" reference is still
// a list with the values 1, 2 and 3 (a compiler warning will be displayed)
numbers = [1;2;3;4]

Because F# only allows you to set value in statements that include the "let" operator, it makes it easier for the F# compiler to know whether the code fragment:

a = b

is an assignment or a comparison - if it follows a "let" then it's always an assignment but otherwise it's a comparison.

This is unlike C# where the following is acceptable:

var numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

// This is allowed in C#
numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

.. and this means that the C# compiler can't as easily tell whether the code fragment "a = b" is an assignment or a comparison and that is why C# has the assignment operator "=" and a separate equality comparison operator "==" (and why F# can use "=" as both the assignment operator and equality comparison operator).

The next thing to talk about is that F# allows you to declare a list of values using square brackets and semi-colons as the separators. So the below are similar (but not equivalent, as I'll explain) in C#
and F# -

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; // C#

let numbers = [1;2;3] // F#

The reason that they're similar and not identical is that the C# code uses the System.Collections.Generic.List<T> type, which is mutable (you can add, remove and replace items within a list). In F#, the list is immutable and so any operation (such as add, remove or replace) would return a new list reference, rather than mutating the existing list.

You may have noticed that semi-colons are not present at the end of each F# line in the examples above. That's because they are not required. F# uses whitespace (such as line returns and indenting) to determine when statements terminate and when they continue and so semi-colons are not used to specify where statements finish (unlike in C#, where they are).

Finally, there was a delegate shown in the above code -

(fun x -> x * x)

This is an anonymous function. The F# code:

let numbers = [1;2;3]
let squares = numbers |> (fun x -> x * x)

is roughly the same as the following C# code:

var numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var squares = numbers.Select(x => x * x);

It's not precisely the same since "numbers" in the F# code is an immutable list reference and in C# it's an array but it's close enough. The point is that the "fun" keyword is used to declare an anonymous function and that brackets are required around that function declaration in order to segregate that code and make it clear to the compiler that the function declaration should be considered as a single value that is being passed to the "" function.

Declaring training data

In the C# perceptron code from last week, there was an array of Tuple values that contained each pair of inputs and the expected result -

var trainingData = new[]
  Pattern(0.08, 0.94, true),

  // .. more patterns

The "Pattern" function was just this:

private static Tuple<double[], bool> Pattern(double x, double y, bool output)
  return Tuple.Create(new[] { x, y }, output);

The Tuple class is a very convenient way to represent small groups of values (such as an input array and the expected boolean output) but one thing that I don't like is that the properties are named "Item1", "Item2", etc.. rather than it being possible to give them more descriptive labels.

I could have defined a class to contain these values but that can involve a lot of boilerplate code (particularly if it's an immutable class, which would be my preference when creating classes that describe data that should be initialised once and never changed).

Fortunately, F# has a convenient way to describe data like this called "Records" - immutable types that may be defined using very little syntax, such as by pasting the following into the F# scaffolding from earlier, just after "Open System" -

type private Input = { Values: float list; Result: bool }

It is now possible to define an input list / output boolean object with properties name "Values" and "Result" like this:

let x = { Values = [0.08; 0.94]; Result = true }

The type of "x" is not explicitly specified in the code but the compiler will be able to match it to the Input type.

double vs float

Note that I've defined the "Values" property to be of type "float list" (which is equivalent to "list<float>" - which is also valid syntax in F#) as opposed to "double list". In C#, Double and double represent a "double-precision floating point number" while Single and float represent a "single-precision floating point number". In F#, float is a double-precision floating point number while float32 is a single-precision floating point number. So "float" in F# is the same as "double" in C#. To make things more confusing, you can also specify the type double in F# and it means the same as float in F# - however, type signatures in the F# library specify float when a double-precision floating point number is returned and so I'm specifying float to try to be consistent with other F# code. For example, the library function "Double.Parse" returns float according to intellisense.

This seems quite confusing to me (coming at this from C#) but I decided to try to be as F#-like as possible and so "float list" is what I'm using.

Back to declaring training data..

To declare all of the training data in F#, we want a list of patterns -

let trainingData = [
    { Values = [0.08; 0.94]; Result = true }
    { Values = [0.13; 0.95]; Result = true }

    // .. more patterns

When declaring a list (items within square brackets), they may either be separated by semi-colons or by line returns. So, above, each pattern is on its own line and so no semi-colons need to separate them while the individual numbers within the "Values" lists do need semi-colon separators since there are no line returns to break them up.

In the C# code, the "Pattern" function specifically took two "x" and "y" arguments and so each Tuple had an "Item1" property which was an array with two elements. In the above code, there would be no compiler warning if I accidentally included a line where the pattern had more "Values" entries than the others. As a sanity check, we can include the following code after the "trainingData" list is declared -

let inputLengths =
    |> (fun input -> input.Values.Length)
    |> List.distinct
    |> List.length
if (inputLengths > 1) then raise (Exception "Inconsistent pattern input lengths!")

There's a lot of piping here, which seems to be quite common in F# code. Hopefully, though, it illustrates how using the pipe operator allows code to be written in a more logical order. Here, we're saying:

  1. Take the trainingData list
  2. Construct a list where each entry in the new list corresponds to the number of inputs in a trainingData entry
  3. Build a new list from this by taking this list-of-input-lengths and excluding any duplicates
  4. If the list from step 3 has more than one entry then the trainingData must not have entries that all have the same number of inputs

If the "trainingData" has patterns which all have the same number of inputs then there should only be one unique input input-list-length. If some patterns had two inputs and some patterns had three inputs then we would get more than one unique input-list-length and that would not be good.

Since F# has a concept of "significant whitespace" (meaning that it uses line returns and indentation to indicate where expressions start and end, which is why semi-colons are not required to terminate lines), sometimes it can get a bit demanding about what it thinks it ok and what isn't. In the code above, if you tried to put the "trainingData" on the same line as the "let inputLengths =" and then have the pipe operator lines start underneath it then you will get cryptic errors such as "The block following this 'let' is unfinished". Using the format above not only means that your code will be more consistent with other F# "in the wild" but it also means that the compiler will understand it!

// The F# compiler is happy with this..
let inputLengths =
    |> (fun input -> input.Values.Length)
    |> List.distinct
    |> List.length

// .. it is NOT happy with this..
let inputLengths = trainingData
    |> (fun input -> input.Values.Length)
    |> List.distinct
    |> List.length

(I would not have thought that putting "trainingData" on the same line as "let inputLengths =" would introduce any ambiguity but presumably doing similar things must do in some situations).

Translating the network-training code

The c# code that we ended up with last time for training a network looked like this:

const double learningRate = 0.1;

var finalResult = Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)
    seed: new
      Weights = new[] { r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble() },
      Bias = 0d,
      GlobalError = double.MaxValue
    func: (previousState, iteration) =>
      var resultForIteration = trainingData.Aggregate(
        seed: new { Weights = previousState.Weights, Bias = previousState.Bias, GlobalError = 0d },
        func: (stateSoFar, pattern) =>
          var output = Output(stateSoFar.Weights, stateSoFar.Bias, pattern.Item1) ? 1 : -1;
          var localError = (pattern.Item2 ? 1 : -1) - output;
          return new
            Weights = UpdateWeights(stateSoFar.Weights, learningRate, localError, pattern.Item1),
            Bias = stateSoFar.Bias + (learningRate * localError),
            GlobalError = stateSoFar.GlobalError + Math.Abs(localError)
      Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0}\tError {1}", iteration, resultForIteration.GlobalError);
      return resultForIteration;
  .First(state => state.GlobalError <= 0);

.. and relied upon the following two functions:

private static bool Output(double[] weights, double bias, double[] inputs)
  var sum = inputs.Zip(weights, (input, weight) => input * weight).Sum() + bias;
  return (sum >= 0);

private static double[] UpdateWeights(double[] weights, double learningRate, double localError, double[] inputs)
  if (localError == 0)
    return weights;

  return weights
    .Zip(inputs, (weight, input) => weight + (learningRate * localError * input))

I'm going to start with translating the "Output" function first because it will be relatively straight forward but it will also demonstrate some interesting abilities of the F# compiler's type inference abilities.

Type inference means that there are a lot of types that you don't have to specify in F# code because the compiler will be able to work out what they are. But this can be confusing sometimes if you don't have a strong enough grasp on how the compiler does this.

Because I'm still an F# noob, I like to specify function arguments types to begin with and then remove them afterwards once I can see that the compiler is happy without them and when I understand how the compiler knows. So I'll start with this:

let Output (weights: float list) (bias: float) (inputs: float list) =
    let sum = ( weights inputs |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight * input) |> List.sum) + bias
    sum >= float 0

The brackets around the arguments are required to "group" the argument name and its type into one value. When we remove the type annotations shortly, the argument brackets will no longer be necessary.

The "" function is very similar to LINQ's "Zip" function except that it has no facility to take a delegate to combine the two values, instead it always returns a tuple for each pair of values that it combines.

(I didn't use the pipe operator with the "" call above because I think that it read more naturally without it in this case - I think of this as "zipping the weights and inputs lists together" and that is what the code says)

F# has nice support for tuples that allows us to avoid having to rely upon "Item1" and "Item2" accesses. The lambda above that performs multiplication would have to look something like this in C# if the input was a tuple:

weightAndInput => weightAndInput.Item1 * weightAndInput.Item2

.. but F# allows us to "deconstruct" the tuple by providing names for the tuple properties - ie.

fun (weight, input) -> weight * input

This is still a function that takes a single argument, it's just that that single argument is a two-item tuple and we're accessing its two items through named references "weight" and "input".

Hopefully the rest of the code is easy to understand, "" is like LINQ's "Zip" and "" is like LINQ's "Select" and "List.sum" is like LINQ's "Sum".

The second line "sum >= float 0" is the return value for the function - either true or false. The expression "float 0" is important because the "sum" value will be a float and F# will not attempt any type coercion when comparing values. In C#, if you have two numeric types then you can compare them - eg.

// Valid in C#
double x1 = 0; // double
int x2 = 0;    // int
var isMatch = (x1 == x2);

.. but in F# this is not allowed. If you tried to write the following:

// Not allowed in F#
let x1 = float 0 // float
let x2 = 0       // int
let isMatch = (x1 = x2)

.. then you would get the following error:

This expression was expected to have type 'float' but here has type 'int'

Now that we're happy with the function implementation, we can remove the type annotations and reduce it to this:

let Output weights bias inputs =
    let sum = ( weights inputs |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight * input) |> List.sum) + bias
    sum >= float 0

The compiler is able to infer all of those types. Some of the inference is quite simple - for example, both "weights" and "inputs" must be lists of some type because they are passed to "".

Some of the inference is more complicated, though..

Firstly, the "weights" and "inputs" list must have element types that support a "*" operator (in F#, this means any of the numeric types or any type that has got a custom "*" overload implemented on it).

Secondly, when elements are combined from "weight" and "inputs" using "*", it must be possible to use the "+" operator on the result because "List.sum" requires it (the internal implementation of "List.sum" is to combine all of the values passed to it using "+").

Thirdly, the result from "List.sum" must also support the "+" operator in conjunction with whatever type that "bias" is.

Fourthly, this result must support the ">=" operator in conjunction with "float 0".

Working backwards, because F# does not support any type coercion when comparing numeric values, the type of "sum" must be float in order for it to be compared to "float 0". This means that the result of "List.sum" must be float and so "bias" must be float. This means that the "weights" and "inputs" must be lists of float. (The return type of the function is boolean because the return value is always true or false as it is the result of an ">=" comparison).

This type inference is very powerful and can lead to clean and succint code. However, it can also lead to confusion if you haven't perfectly internalised its workings or if you're dealing with incomplete code. It's for both of those reasons that I prefer to start with more argument type annotations than necessary and then remove them later, when I'm happy with what I've written.

The "UpdateWeights" function may be translated in a similar manner -

let UpdateWeights weights localError inputs =
    if (localError = float 0)
        then weights
   weights inputs
            |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight + (learningRate * localError * input))

In F#, if / then / else is a bit different to C#. In F#, it is an expression that returns a value, so you could write something like:

// Valid F#
let x = if something then 1 else 2

// Not valid C#
var x = if something then 1 else 2

So, in the F# "UpdateWeights" function, the "if" expression returns either the original "weights" reference or the updated list.

We've actually seen quite a lot of F# syntax, just in the code above - variable and function definitions, type annotations (and discussed how they are optional in many cases), anonymous functions (with the "fun" keyword), the pipe forward operator, record types, tuple deconstruction. Let's throw in another one; nested functions. The two functions shown above ("Output" and "UpdateWeights") will only be called from within the "Go" function that was part of the initial scaffolding code. We could make these private functions at the same level as "Go".. or we can make them nested functions within "Go" so that their scope is as restrictive as possible (which is a good thing in my book) -

let private Go (r: Random) =

    let Output weights bias inputs =
        let sum = ( weights inputs |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight * input) |> List.sum) + bias
        sum >= float 0

    let UpdateWeights weights localError inputs =
        if (localError = float 0)
            then weights
       weights inputs
                |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight + (learningRate * localError * input))

    "TODO: Implement this"

It seems that quite a lot of features from F# are coming over to C# from C# 7 onwards. For example, nested functions are already available (they weren't in C# 6 but they are in C# 7) - eg.

public static void Go()
  int GetNumber()
    return 123;


Similarly, Tuple deconstruction is also now available -

public static void Go()
  var (inputs, output) = GetPattern();
  Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", inputs));

// Note: We're not returning a "Tuple<double[], bool>" here, it's a different type (and it requires
// the "System.ValueType" package to be added to the project
private static (double[] inputs, bool output) GetPattern()
  return (new[] { 0.5, 0.6 }, true);

Coming at some point (looks like it will be C# 8), there will be support for defining record types -

// This syntax is not yet available (as of January 2018)
public class Point(int X, int Y);

The Point class will have X and Y properties that are set through a constructor call. It will have an "Equals" implementation that will return true for two Point references that have the same X and Y values (and probably have == and != operator overloads that do the same thing) and it will have a "With" method that allows you to take an instance of a Point and create a new instance that has a new value for either X or Y - eg.

var p1 = new Point(1, 2);
var p2 = new Point(1, 2);
Console.WriteLine(p1 == p2); // True!

p2 = p2.With(X: 7);
Console.WriteLine(p1 == p2); // False

(For more details about C# record types, see the records proposal).

It's interesting to see these features working their way into C# and hopefully it will make it easier for someone in the future to try F# if they already know C#. (Some may argue that it could make F# less appealing with more of its features being added to C# but I think that it will still have enough differences to stand apart - having immutability and non-nulls by default is not something that is likely to be incorporated into C# because it would require enormous changes).

Back to translating the network-training code..

Now that the supporting functions ("Output" and "UpdateWeights") have been translated, we need to look back at the main training code. This time I'm going to go "outside in" and translate this:

const double learningRate = 0.1;

var finalResult = Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)
    seed: new
      Weights = new[] { r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble() },
      Bias = 0d,
      GlobalError = double.MaxValue
    func: (previousState, iteration) =>
      // Do work here..
  .First(state => state.GlobalError <= 0);

The "Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue)" line was basically a way to say "keep enumerating for ever" (int.MaxValue isn't technically the same as "forever" but in this context it's good enough because we'll die of boredom waiting for the code to perform two billion iterations).

In F# there is a function that seems closer to what we want called "Seq.initInfinite" - this takes a single argument that is a delegate that takes an int and returns a value in the generated sequence based upon that int. It could be implemented in C# like this:

public static IEnumerable<T> InitInfinite<T>(Func<int, T> initialiser)
  return Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue).Select(initialiser);

This is also limited to int.MaxValue iterations since the delegate argument is an int but we're still not going to worry too much about whether it's really infinite or not.

From my last post, we know that "Scan" is already an F# concept and so that should be easy to translate.

The last function to translate is "First" and this has a corresponding function in F#; "Seq.find".

The only issue that we have to tackle now is that F# does not support anonymous types and so we'll need to declare another record type that I'll call "CalculationState".

type private CalculationState = {
    Weights: List<float>
    Bias: float
    GlobalError: float

When I defined the "Input" record earlier, I used a single line definition and so each property had to be separated by semi-colons. Above, each property is on its line and so semi-colon delimiters are not required.

Now we can translate the above C# into this F#:

let finalResult =
    Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i)
    |> Seq.scan
        (fun previousState iteration ->
            // Do work here..
        { Weights = [r.NextDouble(); r.NextDouble()]; Bias = float 0; GlobalError = Double.MaxValue }
    |> Seq.find (fun state -> state.GlobalError = float 0)

The "// Do work here.." code looks like this in C# -

var resultForIteration = trainingData.Aggregate(
  seed: new { Weights = previousState.Weights, Bias = previousState.Bias, GlobalError = 0d },
  func: (stateSoFar, pattern) =>
    var output = Output(stateSoFar.Weights, stateSoFar.Bias, pattern.Item1) ? 1 : -1;
    var localError = (pattern.Item2 ? 1 : -1) - output;
    return new
      Weights = UpdateWeights(stateSoFar.Weights, learningRate, localError, pattern.Item1),
      Bias = stateSoFar.Bias + (learningRate * localError),
      GlobalError = stateSoFar.GlobalError + Math.Abs(localError)
Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0}\tError {1}", iteration, resultForIteration.GlobalError);
return resultForIteration;

I'm going to break this out into a separate function in the F# code because I want to avoid the final code being too "dense" (particularly while I'm still getting used to reading F# syntax and common structures / flow) so I'll change the F# outer code to this:

let finalResult =
    Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i)
    |> Seq.scan
        { Weights = [r.NextDouble(); r.NextDouble()]; Bias = float 0; GlobalError = Double.MaxValue }
    |> Seq.find (fun state -> state.GlobalError = float 0)

.. and then define this nested function:

let CalculateNextState (state: CalculationState) (iteration: int) =
    // Do work here..

(Again, I've started by including explicit type annotations for the arguments but I'll be able to remove them later).

The C# code used the "Aggregate" function which corresponds to "List.fold" in F# and "Console.WriteLine" which corresponds to "printfn". With everything that we've covered already, it shouldn't be a big leap to see that the complete implementation of the "CalculateNextState" function will be as follows:

let CalculateNextState (state: CalculationState) (iteration: int) =
    let resultForIteration =
            (fun stateSoFar input ->
                let output = if (Output stateSoFar.Weights stateSoFar.Bias input.Values) then 1 else -1
                let localError = float ((if input.Result then 1 else -1) - output)
                    Weights =
                        if (localError = float 0)
                        then stateSoFar.Weights
                        else UpdateWeights stateSoFar.Weights localError input.Values
                    Bias =
                        if (localError = float 0)
                        then stateSoFar.Bias
                        else stateSoFar.Bias + (learningRate * localError)
                    GlobalError = stateSoFar.GlobalError + Math.Abs(localError)
            { Weights = state.Weights; Bias = state.Bias; GlobalError = float 0 }
    printfn "Iteration %i\tError %i" iteration (int resultForIteration.GlobalError)

It's still taking me a little while to get used to there being no "return" keyword and so I sometimes have to remind myself that the anonymous function passed to "List.fold" returns the { Weights, Bias, GlobalError } value and that the "CalculateNextState" function returns the "resultForIteration" that is on its last line.

Now that the function is fully defined, the type annotations can be removed from the "state" and "iteration" arguments. The "state" type is inferred because "List.fold" takes an initial value that has the properties Weights (float list) / Bias (float) / GlobalError (float) and the anonymous function also returns a value of that type and the only record type that matches those properties is "CalculationState". The "iteration" argument is inferred because it is used as an argument in the "printfn" call to populate a "%i" placeholder and "%i" placeholder values have to be integers.

Writing to console using printfn and "string interpolation"

You might have noticed that in the code above, the C# write-info-to-console line:

Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0}\tError {1}", iteration, resultForIteration.GlobalError);

was translated into this in F#:

printfn "Iteration %i\tError %i" iteration (int resultForIteration.GlobalError)

In principle, it's very similar; there are placeholders in the format string (which is what the "%i" values are in the F# code above) that will be populated with arguments passed to Console.WriteLine / printfn but there are a couple of key differences. The first is that the "%i% placeholder requires that the value used to populate it is an integer (alternatives are "%s" for strings, "%f" for floats and "%b" for booleans) but the second is much more exciting - the format string and the provided arguments are verified at compile time in the F# code whereas the C# code is only verified at run time. To make it really crystal clear what I mean by this, the following C# code will compile but fail when it's run -

// This will fail at runtime with "System.FormatException: 'Index (zero based) must be greater
// than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.'" because there are two
// placeholders in the format string but only one value provided
Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}, {1}", "test");

On the other hand, the following F# won't even compile -

// Will refuse to compile: "This expression is a function value, i.e. is missing arguments."
printfn "Hello %s, %s" "test"

This makes me happy because I'm all about making the compiler catch simple mistakes instead of allowing them to surface at runtime.

Now, I will admit that I was using a somewhat old school method of writing messages there in C#. C#6 introduced its own interpretation of "string interpolation" that allows us to combine the "template string" with the placeholder values so that we don't accidentally include too many or too few placeholder value arguments. Instead of writing this:

// Old style
Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0}\tError {1}", iteration, resultForIteration.GlobalError);

.. we could write this:

// C# 6 string interpolation
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {iteration}\tError {resultForIteration.GlobalError});

I would argue that this is even better again than the F# approach and it's unfortunate that F# doesn't currently have anything quite like this. That is one of the downsides to F# pioneering and pushing a lot of useful techniques that were later incorporated in to C#, I suppose!

(There is a proposal to add something similar to F# but it doesn't exist yet and I don't think that there is any suggestions that it will become available any time soon - see F# RFC FS-1001 - String Interpolation)

A little earlier, I nonchalantly said that

The C# code used the "Aggregate" function which corresponds to "List.fold" in F#

.. and you may (quite reasonably) have wondered how you or I were supposed to know that "Aggregate" in C# is equivalent to "fold" in F#.

You may also have picked up on the fact that sometimes I'm using "Seq" functions (such as "Seq.initInfinite") and sometimes I'm using "List" functions (such as "List.fold") and be wondering how I'm deciding which to use.

I'll address the second point first. As I do so, it's worth bearing in mind that I'm going to explain how I have been deciding up to this point and hopefully it's a sensible approach but there's always a chance that someone who knows better (maybe me in six months!) will have a slightly different take on things..

In a nutshell, I'm going to use "List" if I'm certain that I want to fully evaluate the set of items. In the "CalculateNextState" function, I want to take all of the weights in the current state and generate a completely updated set of weights to use in the next iteration - in that next iteration, I will be using all of the just-calculated weights to generate another completely updated set of weights. Every time, I will be considering every weight value and there would be no benefit to lazily evaluating the data and I think that lazy evaluation is one of the main benefits to using "Seq". When I don't know how many iterations will be required, I start by lazily evaluating an infinite set of items by calling "Seq.initInfinite" and then terminating enumeration when I get a state with a sufficiently low GlobalError. This approach only works because the sequence is evaluated "lazily" - it would make no sense for there to be a "List.initInfinite" because that list's contents would have to be fully populated at runtime and you'd run out of memory!

I suspect that a case could be made for always using "Seq" unless you find a compelling reason not to.. where a compelling case is that you need pattern matching* or if you're sure that using "Seq" is resulting in expensive operations being repeated because you are enumerating over a sequence multiple times and the operations in each enumeration are complex / expensive (if you used "List" then you would be sure that the work to build the list would only be done once, no matter how many times you enumerated over it).

* (which we haven't encountered yet but which is fairly common in F# code and which only works with instances of list and not of seq)

F# also supports arrays but these tend to used in fairly niche situations - such as when interoperating with other .NET code that requires an array or when you've found a performance bottleneck in your code relating to indexed access into your set of items (for both a seq and a list it's relatively slow to jump straight to the nth item because you have to start at the beginning and walk that many items into the list, whereas with an array you can jump straight there).. but arrays have their disadvantages, such as being mutable (bleurgh, filthy!) and having no cheap way to create a new version with a single new item (which also applies to seq but which is something that list can do well).

So (for now?) I'll be using a list if I have a known set of items and will be performing an operation on every item each iteration and a seq otherwise.. unless I encounter a really exciting reason to do otherwise*.

* (Spoiler alert: in a future post in the series, I will find a case where there is a huge difference in memory usage between list and array when loading data from disk - brace yourself for that thrill!)

To return to my first point in relation to "Selecting F# BCL functions" - how did I know that "List.fold" is equivalent to "Aggregate"? The simple answer is by looking through the docs.. the MSDN pages are pretty good (here is the one for List.fold) and the number of base library functions is not that large. You can often guess what many of them do (such as "List.average" and "List.distinct") but you might need to read the documentation for others (either on MSDN or just via the intellisense tooltips) for others. If you are familiar with LINQ then it shouldn't take you too long to learn the names of the F# equivalents of many of your old favourites!

Demonstrating the network's abilities

Before I went on a couple of tangents about writing to the console and learning the F# BCL, we had actually finished translating the code that trained the network (it may be an extremely simple one but it is still technically a network!). Now the only C# that remains to be translated is the code that passes pairs of inputs through the network to see what output it generates for each pair - just to ensure that it matches our expectations. This is how we left it last time:

const double startAt = 0;
const double endAt = 1;
const double increment = 0.25;
var range = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)((endAt - startAt) / increment) + 1).Select(value => value * increment);
var xyPairs = range.SelectMany(value => range, (x, y) => new[] { x, y });
  xyPairs.Select(inputs => $"{string.Join("\t", inputs)}\t{(Output(finalResult.Weights, finalResult.Bias, inputs) ? "Yes" : "No")}")

The first thing that will be nice about translating this into F# is that it has better support for defining ranges. In C#, we used "Enumerable.Range" but that only works with integers and so we then had to do some division. In F#, we're able to say "define a range by starting at x and incrementing by y until you get to z". So we could replace this:

const double startAt = 0;
const double endAt = 1;
const double increment = 0.25;
var range = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)((endAt - startAt) / increment) + 1).Select(value => value * increment);

.. with this:

let range = { float 0 .. float 0.25 .. float 1 }

We could then translate the rest of the C# shown above in a like-for-like fashion into F# or we could get a tiny bit fancier with some code that I found on Stack Overflow that takes one set of values and transforms it by combining every value with other value (so if your input set was the numbers 1 and 2 then the output would be {1,1} and {1,2} and {2,1} and {2,2}). This is sometimes referred to as taking the "cross product" and is the same concept as doing a "cross join" in SQL.

The code to do it is as follows:

// Inspired by
let crossproductWithSelf xs = seq { for x1 in xs do for x2 in xs do yield x1, x2 }

Using this means that our "Display network generalisation" summary code looks like this:

let crossproductWithSelf xs = seq { for x1 in xs do for x2 in xs do yield x1, x2 }
let calculatedResults =
    { float 0 .. float 0.25 .. float 1 }
    |> crossproductWithSelf
    |> (fun (x, y) ->
        x.ToString() + ",\t" +
        y.ToString() + ",\t" +
        (if (Output finalResult.Weights finalResult.Bias [x; y]) then "Yes" else "No")
printfn ""
printfn "X,\tY,\tOutput"
printfn "%s" (String.concat Environment.NewLine calculatedResults)

Pretty neat and tidy, I think!

Done! What's next?

Phew! Well that felt like quite a lot of work. Getting to grips with a new language can be mentally taxing, particularly when it involves a new paradigm (like making the leap from OOP to functional programming) and I think that that's why it's taken me several attempts at getting started with F# to even get this far.

And although this is a good start, the "machine learning" aspect of the Single Layer Perceptron is very basic and it should be fun to try to dig a little deeper and attempt something more complicated. To that end, I have a few more posts that I'd like to write that will explain how to train a neural network (that has more layers than just the input and output layers) using the Backpropagation Algorithm and then use this to recognise handwritten digits from the famous MNIST image database.

As with the code here, I will be starting with C# from the Robosoup blog and translating it into a functional style before rewriting it as F#. I think that it's exciting stuff!

One more thing - in case you're curious to see the complete F# code that was scattered through this post, here it is:

open System

type private Input = { Values: list<float>; Result: bool }

type private CalculationState = {
    Weights: List<float>
    Bias: float
    GlobalError: float

let Go (r: Random) =
    let trainingData = [
        { Values = [0.08; 0.94]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.13; 0.95]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.28; 0.66]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.3; 0.59]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.31; 0.51]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.34; 0.67]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.34; 0.63]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.36; 0.55]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.38; 0.67]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.4; 0.59]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.4; 0.68]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.41; 0.5]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.42; 0.53]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.43; 0.65]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.44; 0.56]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.47; 0.61]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.47; 0.5]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.48; 0.66]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.52; 0.53]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.53; 0.58]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.55; 0.6]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.56; 0.44]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.58; 0.63]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.62; 0.57]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.68; 0.42]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.69; 0.21]; Result = true }
        { Values = [0.7; 0.31]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.73; 0.48]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.74; 0.47]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.74; 0.42]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.76; 0.34]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.78; 0.5]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.78; 0.26]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.81; 0.48]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.83; 0.32]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.83; 0.28]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.85; 0.07]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.85; 0.45]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.88; 0.4]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.89; 0.92]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.9; 0.33]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.91; 0.05]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.92; 0.44]; Result = true }; { Values = [0.95; 0.94]; Result = true };
        { Values = [0.96; 0.08]; Result = true };

        { Values = [0.02; 0.76]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.06; 0.22]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.07; 0.16]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.09; 0.43]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.1; 0.08]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.14; 0.07]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.15; 0.23]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.17; 0.18]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.17; 0.11]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.21; 0.28]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.22; 0.17]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.25; 0.09]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.28; 0.28]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.28; 0.27]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.29; 0.22]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.29; 0.29]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.3; 0.29]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.31; 0.14]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.33; 0.19]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.33; 0.06]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.39; 0.15]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.52; 0.1]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.65; 0.07]; Result = false }; { Values = [0.71; 0.1]; Result = false };
        { Values = [0.74; 0.05]; Result = false }

    let inputLengths =
        |> (fun input -> input.Values.Length)
        |> List.distinct
        |> List.length
    if (inputLengths > 1) then raise (Exception "Inconsistent pattern input lengths!")

    let learningRate = 0.1

    let Output weights bias inputs =
        let sum = ( weights inputs |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight * input) |> List.sum) + bias
        sum >= float 0

    let UpdateWeights weights localError inputs =
        if (localError = float 0)
            then weights
       weights inputs
                |> (fun (weight, input) -> weight + (learningRate * localError * input))

    let CalculateNextState state iteration =
        let resultForIteration =
                (fun stateSoFar input ->
                    let output = if (Output stateSoFar.Weights stateSoFar.Bias input.Values) then 1 else -1
                    let localError = float ((if input.Result then 1 else -1) - output)
                        Weights =
                            if (localError = float 0)
                            then stateSoFar.Weights
                            else UpdateWeights stateSoFar.Weights localError input.Values
                        Bias =
                            if (localError = float 0)
                            then stateSoFar.Bias
                            else stateSoFar.Bias + (learningRate * localError)
                        GlobalError = stateSoFar.GlobalError + Math.Abs(localError)
                { Weights = state.Weights; Bias = state.Bias; GlobalError = float 0 }
        printfn "Iteration %i\tError %i" iteration (int resultForIteration.GlobalError)

    let finalResult =
        Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i)
        |> Seq.scan
            { Weights = [r.NextDouble(); r.NextDouble()]; Bias = float 0; GlobalError = Double.MaxValue }
        |> Seq.find (fun state -> state.GlobalError = float 0)

    let crossproductWithSelf xs = seq { for x1 in xs do for x2 in xs do yield x1, x2 }
    let calculatedResults =
        { float 0 .. float 0.25 .. float 1 }
        |> crossproductWithSelf
        |> (fun (x, y) ->
            x.ToString() + ",\t" +
            y.ToString() + ",\t" +
            (if (Output finalResult.Weights finalResult.Bias [x; y]) then "Yes" else "No")
    printfn ""
    printfn "X,\tY,\tOutput"
    printfn "%s" (String.concat Environment.NewLine calculatedResults)

Go (new Random(0))

Posted at 23:24
